Some development screenshots

you can ride autonomous robots that you assembled and programmed yourself.

The control panel transmits commands to the Python program block, and the user program then decides which wheels to spin and how.

turrets, where would we be without them?

if you don’t have enough skills to program a turret to protect your base, you can use the GPT chat to predict the player’s movements

Any device in the world can have a software block and be controlled by Python code. even the lantern constantly looks at the switch and controls the light

first wheels on rotors

a complex that allows you to create robots based on a template. phantom image, this is the place where parts from resources will be created

when I overdid it with damage grenades

resources can be obtained not only by explosion but also by robot. both manually and autonomously

Files 236 MB
Version 112 Nov 19, 2023

Get OutEnemy Multiplayer

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